Thank you again for this. Your posts always resonate with me in some way. The thing I wanted to add was that we need to change the language. Work/life balance is a misnomer. You describe how you now work longer hours but that you love it! So arguably, your work IS your life balance 😊. Instead, it's about occupational balance. So reviewing what you do that brings you joy, energises you and is for you. So in other words, time at home is not always life balance, especially when you factor in partners, children, the dog, your mother etc. It is more likely to be work balance!

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Hmmm, an interesting perspective, Denise! My partner often says 'do everything 100%'. It took me a long timecto get round to that point of view. But when I did, I found two things: 1. There's only so much you can do in a day, 2. Everything becomes more enjoyable.

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