Are you ready to create YOUR happy and fulfilling career?
Who I am
Hi, I’m Tineke, Career (Change) & Creativity Coach helping women stuck in corporate careers create careers (and lives) with freedom, flexibility and fulfilment.
I WAS you!
I was stuck in a corporate career. For many years.
Until I decided that life was too short to be miserable. Which is when I decided to change.
I started researching, and reading (obviously - I LOVE books!) and came up with this:
Yep. MONTHS that took me! Months of self-reflection, conversations, reading TRUCK-loads of books about career change.
THAT’s what I had.
Disappointed? Confused? Overwhelmed? Yes. But in a weird way also relieved.
Because THIS made sense. It made sense that NO JOB was ever going to allow me to do all that. Unless … unless I created it myself. So I did.
Which led me to setting up my own business as a Career & Creativity Coach and now supporting women feeling stuck in corporate roles to get clear on:
Why THEY feel stuck in their (corporate) careers,
What it is that they WANT and then to
Help them create the career (and life) they want with my Career Freedom coaching programme.
Over time I’ve come to realise the importance of creativity and the ability to access your creative brain. Which is why I trained as a Creativity Coach and am training as a Positive Intelligence coach. So that I can help YOU access YOUR creative brain, or even - as lots of my clients do - pursue those (sometimes long term) dreams of (writing a book/starting their art business/start a side hustle/fill in YOUR creative dream here: … ).
Besides being a career coach I’m a bit of a creative practitioner, which is why I set up my own ART website and will entertain and inform you with my Illustrated Book Reviews and my occasional cartoons.
Want to know more about me? You can find out on my website.
Why subscribe?
I used to have a newsletter. No, correction, until August 2024 I used to have a separate newsletter, a LinkedIn newsletter, a blog AND a community, which was a bit - much?
Since May 2024 I’ve been gradually moving and pointing ALL of that to my fledgling community here on Substack.
And I’m not done yet! Watch this space!
If you’re wondering why to subscribe I’ll tell you a bit more about what I want to do with this newsletter.
You see, you may be like me. On the fence. Worried. Unhappy. Stuck. Cynical about all this ‘do this programme and live your best life’ nonsense.
I don’t blame you.
But the LAST thing I want for you is to stay stuck. To be unhappy. You don’t deserve that. You deserve to be happy.
So I want to offer you a no or low-cost way to get started on getting UN-stuck.
By subscribing to my weekly newsletter you will get weekly information and inspiration helping YOU move forward towards YOUR happy career. Every week I talk about ONE topic to help YOU move forward and share with you what ELSE you can do to get unstuck. Topics I’ve discuss can broadly be categorised under these topics:
Career and career change
Business & Leadership
Women & Work
Mind & body (how the brain works)
I’d LOVE for you to join us by hitting the great big Subscribe now button below. Want to show your support? Click the ‘Pledge your support’ button to let me know!
Become a PAID subscriber
Some of you kindly said things like:
(Pick ‘n Mix was my previous community)
and this
and even pledged your support!
So, from 2 January 2025 I’m opening my PAID subscription option!
What will you get? Over and above your free subscription?
FREE invitation to my monthly Ideas Club, where we’ll learn new creative thinking techniques and generate new IDEAS and my online Book Club - all waiting for you in my new community Change Artists (where - in the future - all my programmes will live).
Access to my full archive of articles
The ability to start new threads in Chat
The occasional paid subscribers-only newsletter
The cost? £5 per month, or £50 if you sign up for the YEAR!
Come and say Hi!
I’m thinking of Substack a bit as a second home, but you can also find me here:
LinkedIn (it’s where I used to live, even though I’m spending more and more time in my second home here!)
Facebook (where I occasionally drop in)
My website (think of it as my showroom, where I tell you ALL about what I do)
My art website (where I get to play and mess around with paint)
Come and find me and say hi (Hi!)