Playing Big - Tara Mohr
What’s in it
Tara Mohr is one of the women who over the last few years have published books on how we all should stop hiding, take responsibility and 'play big'.
You might remember Tara Mohr's book for her key recommendations on how women should stop the excessive use of words like 'sorry', 'please', but also 'does that make sense' and 'I probably got this wrong but ...' (sounding familiar to anyone?).
Why I like it
I do! I do like it. There are some really insightful chapters in this book, including the insight that we should stop taking things personally.
However, as it happens I read this book at the same time as the book 'Lean in' by Sheryl Sandberg and an article in the NY Times about the need for men to 'lean out' more.
And whilst I love this book because of the encouragement, the potential for personal development and the easy to follow steps to overcoming your own demons and becoming who you know you are, it did make me wonder two things:
If we aim to reduce gender equality, why does the emphasis seem to be so much on women's personal development (as opposed to men's)?
What incentive do we need to offer men to engage them in the quest for gender equality?