Find your Thing - Lucy Whittington
What’s in it
Wouldn't it be lovely? If we all had one Thing. One Thing that we did really well. That - in fact - we do so well that we don't even know we're doing it! Until someone points it out.
In this book Lucy Whittington tells us that we do. That we have one Thing. Which we should find. Which we should give a Fame Name to (something you will be remembered for). Which you will then go and do. And get famous for.
Lucy's Thing is helping other people to find their Thing. And help them to do their marketing for the Thing they do.
Why I like it
Lucy Whittington’s book is uplifting and very easy to read, making finding your Thing, and marketing it, sound easy.
Except, when I speak to women about their career, I find that careers are not as clear-cut as that. People are multi-faceted. They want to do multiple Things. Simultaneously or in sequence.
Which would mean that you can have more than one Thing. And you can.
Which would mean we would have to rename the book 'Find your ThingS (or - for now at least, for the purpose of having one clear marketing message - please pick only one)’. Or something.