Born for this - Chris Guillebeau
What’s in it
This book showed me that there are multiple ways to build a career. It follows the Joy-Money-Flow model where all three have to be present for you to have a fulfilling career. It then goes on to provide a whole raft of ways in which you can make that ideal combination of the three happen.
Why I like it
When I first started thinking about changing my career this was the first book I read. Time to revisit.
Chris Guillebeau's book gave me the first insight into a different sort of life. A life where you could do things that filled your soul AND get paid for it. A life where - if things weren't working out - you could just change. Do something different.
In other words, it gave me a much lighter view of life.
Up until then a career was this precious thing. That you carefully built up, piece by piece. A house of cards.
Reading it again - after having read so many other books on the same theme - I'm struck again by the joy that leaps off the pages. The freedom it offers. The different practical ways it shows.
No wonder this book helped me on my my way.